

[Audio] Always a Woman – Travellers’ Tales, the Power of Nature and why Management is Tough

I'm back from a business trip to Dubai, Wilma is surrounded by water in Wales. In this episode we're talking about the need to visit the highest places, Wilma shares another tale from her travels in South America and we discuss the power of Nature in all its glory. Somehow, from there we find ourselves discussing the reason why management has become difficult and debate the label 'human resources'.

[Article] Team meetings – the Keys to Success

Team meetings.  Part of the cultural fabric of your organisation. A key activity for any manager or leader.  A highlight of the working week. No? Here are my tips for a successful team meeting…

[Audio] Always a Woman – Digital Addictions, Spiritual Antidotes and the Importance of Eye Contact

In this episode, Wilma and I are in my kitchen and we revisit 'The Anxious Generation' by Jonathan Haidt, which I mentioned a few episodes ago and have finally finished reading. It sparks a lot of different trains of thought...

[Audio] Always a Woman – on excellence, repetition and daily inspiration

This time we're in my kitchen... Wilma's feeling a bit smug, (and we find out why) I've been watching the Test match and the conversation meanders around our enjoyment of watching people performing well, the joy of learning and seeing other's learn, the 'female' approach to marketing and promotion and the way that nothing stays the same...

[Article] Leadership vs Management

As part of a Leadership Development programme, I’ll often ask people, ‘are leadership and management the same?’  Usually, people are agreed that they are not the same.  When I ask what they see as the difference between leadership and management, it gets very interesting…

[BM Weekly] The Planner

There is something very satisfying about a wallplanner, isn't there?  Or is it just me? I do enjoy planning out the year ahead and getting an overview like this that I can refer to easily.  I know a lot of people don't do this, and definitely don't do it in August - which is when I began thinking about 2025...

[Audio] Always a Woman – The weather, the Tao and the power of the present moment

This latest episode was recorded in Wilma's kitchen. We did go out for a walk, but it was much too wet and cold to sit and record our conversation. We discuss the books that Wilma is currently reading, what it's like when you have change inflicted on you and whether faster is always better (what do you think?)

[BM Weekly] Inspiration from Ancient Greece

This quote, attributed to Archimedes, the Greek mathematician and physicist, undoubtedly relates to his explanation of the use of levers. And yet... Looking at it again this week, it struck me that this is true in a metaphorical sense as well as a scientific one...

[BM Weekly] Lost Connections

I first read 'Lost Connections' by Johann Hari shortly after it was published in 2018. I've revisited it a few time since. The subtitle reads: "Uncovering the real causes of depression - and the unexpected solutions". It was the latter part that first caught my attention. I was curious about the 'unexpected solutions'...

[Audio] Always a Woman – Dropping the Mask

In this episode Wilma and I are talking about what makes it hard - or easy - for people to open up about their vulnerabilities and about some of the differences in the ways men and women experience this challenge...

[BM Weekly] Real Life Leadership

I'm not a great fan of tv.  I spend more time reading than watching tv but every now and again something comes along that grabs my attention. The first series of 'Freddie Flintoff's Field of Dreams' was both enjoyable and moving.  The second series is even better...

[BM Weekly] What you leave behind…

'More Shakespeare', I hear you intone. I see you rolling your eyes. But you know how much I love The Bard and I'm guessing you wouldn't be reading my newsletters if you didn't enjoy my regular references to his work. Actually, these wise words were not written by William Shakespeare but by Pericles himself...