

[Article] Quote… Unquote

We all love a good quote. Have you ever wondered why that is? I think that, in my case, some of my favourite quotes are those which, at the time I first encountered them, summed up an important thought or principle that was relevant to my life at the time.

[Video] NLP in Coaching

Coaching has moved on a lot over the years since it was first introduced into the business world. And I think that one of the things that NLP can really offer, that's of most value in those situations where coaching is the best solution, is that NLP techniques deliver actual behavioural change.

[Article] Where do limiting beliefs come from?

Using NLP in coaching, I often find that the greatest barriers to a client’s success are in their own head. The term ‘limiting belief’ refers to a belief that limits a person’s perception of their world in a way that blocks important outcomes and possibilities.

[Video] The RTM Protocol

RTM stands for Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories. This is a treatment primarily for people suffering from PTSD and it was developed some years ago by a team working in the US.

[Article] Get out of your mind

Since I’ve been spending most of my time at home of late, and as I live alone, I’ve been spending a lot of time in my own head. It’s inevitable when you’re alone, that attention tends to be internal. In the absence of someone to talk to, most of us talk to ourselves.

[Video] Guided Tour of Brilliant Minds Online Academy

Recorded at the launch of the Brilliant Minds Online Academy in May 2020, in this video Dianne takes a group of clients on a 'guided tour' of the courses available. You see the overview of the programmes, hear Dianne's explanation of the content and you also see example modules from each. You get a thorough understanding of what's on offer.

[Article] Getting the Connection

I was talking to a friend about her business mentor.  “I love working with her”, my friend said. “I feel like she really ‘gets' me”.

[Video] Fairness

I've been hearing people talk about the experience of furlough in their organisation and, at the beginning of lockdown, there were people whose colleagues were furloughed and they were not... It got me thinking about what we mean by fairness.

[Article] Maximise your influence

Whichever way you look at it, there’s going to be a majority of us that are motivated by Power - or Influence if you prefer – at least some of the time. So, how DO you gain influence?

[Video] LAB Profile and Learning

Today I want to show you how you can apply the LAB Profile to the whole subject of learning. What's been happening in recent times is that many people have been discovering lots of different methods of learning, with virtual methods obviously coming to the fore.

[Article] “So, NLP – is it a load of b******s, or what?”

Some experiences will stay with me forever. Back in 2002, I participated in a residential ‘meet the buyer’ event. It was my first time at this kind of sales opportunity and I was keen to make sure I gained a return on my investment.

[Video] Digital vs In Person

When the UK went into lockdown and we all migrated our meetings onto Zoom and Teams and various other platforms, one of the things I said was that there was perhaps one good thing that might come out of this. If we were all forced to use these virtual media, then we might get a better sense of what they're good for, and what they're not so good for.