

[Article] What else can you do?

I was reading a post on Bob Howard-Spink’s blog in which he compares to-do lists with Leonardo Da Vinci and suggests that as well as a ‘to-do’ list, we can all benefit from having a ‘things I’ve done’ list.

[Video] Neurological levels

Neurological levels is a concept pioneered by Robert Dilts back in the early days of NLP, but somehow it seems to have been overlooked in a lot of modern NLP training. Some schools of NLP still include it, but others have disregarded it. So if you haven't come across this model before, I really encourage you to explore it in more detail...

[Article] Dealing with criticism

Five months on from the start of lockdown, with several sets of exam results being announced recently and a general background of grumpiness for many people, I'm noticing a lot of criticism flying around. Have you been on the receiving end of some of it?

[Video] The Map Is Not The Territory

In this video I talk about what's often regarded as the first presupposition of NLP - 'The Map is not the Territory'. This has been talked and written about a great deal and, if you haven't come across it before, it's simply a way of expressing the fact that our perception of the world is more like a map than it is the real territory.

[Article] Choice and control – a window on my world

The time had come. I had to make a plan, make some decisions, get the ball rolling. I had already put it off several times and I knew I was only going to create a bigger headache if I left it any longer. The question – how to deliver NLP Practitioner training in 2020?

[Video] The 5-Minute NLP Seminar

People often ask me “What is NLP?” and there are lots of definitions, but when it comes to what you actually do in the practice of NLP, there is a...

[Article] When the first flush of enthusiasm wears off

We’ve all done it.  Started the year, month, week or even the day full of big plans and enthusiasm only to find that the goal was more challenging than expected and that the initial enthusiasm wasn’t enough to carry us through to successful completion. What to do then?

[Video] Making sense of lockdown with the SCARF model

Hear me talk about how the SCARF Model can help you make sense of lockdown. If you haven't come across it before, the SCARF Model is a piece of neuroscience that focusses on the social concerns that drive people's behaviour.

[Article] What’s wrong with being a perfectionist?

My friend called in for a cup of coffee and a chat and found me doing the ironing. I made coffee and she pulled up a kitchen chair as I resumed my work. Although she was telling me her latest news I noticed her watching closely as I transformed a crumpled heap of fabric into an immaculate, crisp white shirt.

[Video] How to assess your own development needs

Sometimes people come to me and say: "I don't really know what I need, but I know I need something." Which is interesting - because how would you know that you need something if you have no idea what it is? And yet somehow we do.

[Video] The truth about NLP Practitioner training

At the end of the 10th day on our most recent course, we asked 5 people if they would tell us how they were feeling about the training, what they were getting out of it, and how it compared with what they thought they were going to get out of the course. This is what they said...

[Article] Keeping your brain active

During lockdown, I’ve been chatting to my Mum on the phone more regularly than usual. Being over 70, she’s even more restricted than me in her daily activities. We’ve discussed a lot of different topics in the last three months and there is one subject that keeps recurring: How do you keep your brain active if you can’t go out and get some exercise?