[Article] Getting out of overwhelm

Have you ever started the day with a list of ‘stuff’ to do and lots of good intentions? It’s a regular feature of my week. How often do you actually get everything on the list complete by the end of the day?
[Video] Who is NLP Practitioner Training for?

Several people have asked me recently: "Who is the NLP Practitioner Training for?" If you've been wondering the same thing, the easiest thing is for me to tell you who's been doing it recently and who's planning to do it in the course that's running this autumn...
[Article] The weekly one-to-one – why bother?

How many people do you have in your team? Four? Five? Ten? More? If you have a large team, the idea of conducting weekly one-to-ones with each person can seem overwhelming, so it’s not surprising that lots of people report that their manager regularly cancels their one-to-one meeting.
[Video] Let me tell you a story…

This story is about a client I had a few years ago who came to me for some coaching because he had got himself into a career cul-de-sac. He had been the Finance Director for Purchasing in his organisation for quite some time, everything was running smoothly, but basically he was the only person who really understood how it all worked...
[Article] Mind, Body and Business

There is a basic principle of NLP that says ‘the mind and the body are all one system’. So as well as taking care of your mindset, how about taking care of your body?
[Video] The client is resourceful and will come to a solution with or without a coach

This Presupposition of a Brilliant Coach is important because there is often the feeling amongst coaches that you have to finish the process and make sure your client leaves with a solution rather than saying: "That's your time up for today".
[Article] Everyone’s a Foreigner!

Have you ever been in a business meeting with a colleague and afterwards commented on how well it went? If your colleague looked at you in amazement and said it was a complete waste of time you may have found yourself wondering whether you were in the same meeting. The NLP answer is that you were in two separate meetings, because you were each filtering the experience differently.
[Video] There is a reason why you are the coach for this client

One of the things I know from having been around a lot of coaches over the years is that it's not uncommon for people to come to you with issues that have also been relevant to you. It doesn't always happen when you're in the middle of it - although it can do...
[Article] Get it done!

Do you have anything on your ‘to do’ list that you just can’t seem to get around to doing? Here is a method to get it done.
[Video] Energy Levels

Have you ever been on a training programme that lasted a whole day, where there's been a lunch break and and you notice, after lunch, that the energy in the room has dropped a bit? People seem a bit less talkative, a bit less enthusiastic and, in some cases, downright sleepy! One thing you may not realise is that the post-lunch slump is more to do with the time you got up than the food you just ate...
[Article] A Word About Gender

In these politically correct times, we often disregard the differing attitudes of men and women in the workplace. However, those differences are real and any manager or coach who ignores them is missing out on vital keys to influence and success.
[Video] The connection between Emotional Intelligence and NLP

Given that Emotional Intelligence and NLP are both about interacting with other people and self awareness, I'm often asked what the connection is and whether there's an overlap. I believe there is and that they are two different sides of the same thing...