

[Video] How to receive an apology

What do you do when someone apologises to you? Do you find it hard to know what to say or how to let go of your grudge? Let’s explore the...

[Article] Am I bothered?

‘Am I bothered?’ asked another, much more famous, redhead.  The implication being that she’s not and it’s a good thing.  Being bothered is uncool. In that context, being bothered means...

[Video] Making an apology

Some people never apologise, others are keen to restore harmony in their relationships when something goes wrong. In this video I explore the types of situations in which it might...

[Video] Dealing with Disagreement

  “If you and I both agree, one of us is redundant” – Lee Iacocca Disagreement is an essential part of the activity of a successful team. Find out how...

[Video] Introversion and Extraversion

I’ve always been interested in personality types, in fact I did part of my degree in Personality Psychology. So to start to explain what personality is all about is quite...

[Article] Learning for adults

Learning for adults

Very few of us are taught how to learn. As a small child learning is as natural as breathing. The world is full of new experiences and objects to discover...

[Video] Available Resources

One of my favourite presuppositions of NLP says that people are doing the best they can with the resources they have available, and the reason I like that is because...

[Article] 7 keys to successful planning and goal-setting

7 keys to successful planning and goal-setting

1. Think BIG! If your goal isn’t a challenge and doesn’t represent an important achievement for you it’s unlikely that you’ll be motivated enough to sustain the effort required to...

[Video] Mind and Body

Today I’m going to have another look at one of the presuppositions of NLP, the one that says the mind and the body affect each other. This is one of...

[Article] Why am I doing this?

If I’m really honest, I don’t like children very much. Shocking, I know. Not having any children of my own, I’m often irritated by the antics of small children in...

[Video] Perceptual Positions

Perceptual Positions is the idea of being able to see something from somebody else's point of view or, indeed, from a completely different point of view. If you work in a service industry, you probably will have had it drummed into you that it's important to be able to see things from your customer's point of view. In lots of other environments as well, we are encouraged to take somebody else's perspective.

[Article] Perception is Projection

Carl Jung introduced the notion of ‘projection’ to explain how people can feel certain they know  what another person is like and what they think, then interact with the other person on the basis of those assumptions.