[Audio] How to Blow Your Own Trumpet

If your goals for the year include a promotion, a new role or new business then you’ll need to be able to sell yourself effectively. Lots of people dislike 'blowing...
The Cynics in the IT Department

There is a type of personality that is attracted to working in IT. You know it, the HR team knows it and most of the rest of the organisation knows...
The IT Department Disconnect

Most organisations couldn’t function without their IT. In many industries you need the latest technology just to be in the game and if you aren’t making the most of that...
The Rules of Engagement

Employee engagement is vital to the success of any business. It’s a subject that takes up a lot of time when HR professionals get together. It also occupies the minds...
[Video] Disengaged or disaffected?
A client said to me recently that their company has a number of staff members who are "actively disengaged". They turn up to staff meetings and complain about things, criticise...
[Video] Sameness or difference?
When you go somewhere you’ve not been before, or when you’re faced with a new activity you’ve not done before… what do you look for first? The aspects that are...
Intelligence Matters

When I was growing up, it seemed to me that the primary factor in a person’s status in the world was the extent of their personal intelligence. The smarter someone was,...
[Video] What does loyalty mean to you?
I’ve got a question for you… How many loyalty cards do you have in your wallet? You see, I’ve been wondering if the number of loyalty cards someone has could...
[Video] My leadership philosophy

I think most people, if asked about leadership, would say it’s about relationship and communication because it’s all about getting other people engaged and having them do something. So it’s...
[Video] Dealing with Workload Challenges
What level would you say your workload is at? Do you struggle to actually get anything done because there’s just so much on your plate?
Survey Results 2015

This is the third time we have conducted our survey about personal and professional development. I started to do it because I wanted to know more about what my clients...
[Video] Saying No
Do you find it hard to say no? Do you ever catch yourself saying "I can't do that" when what you really mean is "I won't do that" but you...