Happy New Year! Unless of course, you celebrate according to a different calendar. I know that all my friends and contacts in Singapore, for example, will be having their main New Year celebrations in a few weeks’ time.
My plans for 2025 include offering some NLP training to anyone who wants to learn how to increase their influence, build personal resilience and learn how to manage their own thinking so that it becomes easier to achieve what you want to achieve in life.
The quote above is one I always include at the start of the programme because some of the results people experience through mastering the principles of NLP can seem ‘like magic’.
Not from Day One, of course, but lots of people are surprised by just how quickly some of the NLP patterns can lead to significant results. Over the coming weeks I’m planning to share some of my favourite success stories.
If you’re curious enough to want to know more, the first step is the ‘Introduction to NLP’ day in either June or July – depending on what works best for you.
I don’t know whether you write down your goals for the year or just keep them in mind, but I have a question for you:
When you think about your goals for 2025 do you believe you can achieve them? If not, what’s missing? Do you need more influence at work? Do you worry you’ll give up too easily? Are you unsure that they’re the right goals?
These are the kind of gaps that can be filled through the application of NLP. Get in touch if you’d like to know some more…