[BM Weekly] Real Life Leadership

I’m not a great fan of tv.  I spend more time reading than watching tv but every now and again something comes along that grabs my attention…

The first series of ‘Freddie Flintoff’s Field of Dreams’ was both enjoyable and moving.  The second series is even better.  If you’ve already watched it you’ll know how totally inspirational it is.  If you haven’t, you’re in for a treat…

Even if you have never watched cricket and have no idea of the significance of Andrew ‘Freddie’ Flintoff, this is for you.  If you are a leader, a parent, a coach or teacher it’s worth a few hours of your time to watch the whole series.

Despite his incomplete recovery from the horrific car accident that almost claimed his life, Flintoff takes his team of cricket misfits on tour to India.  They are all – including Flintoff – outside of their comfort zones at times but the boys rally around each other, giving support and finding friendship in the most unlikely situations.  This is real-life leadership in all its messy and complicated glory.

Find it on BBC iPlayer or if you’re outside the UK, there are some great clips on YouTube.  Here’s one…


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