[BM Weekly] Search for the Hero

This week’s inspiration is a pop song.  I heard it on the radio and it’s been in my head for days…

M People’s ‘Search for the Hero‘ is on my playlist of songs with uplifting lyrics.  It’s important to me to play music that has an upbeat message and positive lyrics.  We all know how powerful words can be, so if you’re going to sing the same few lines to yourself over and over and again, they’d better have a positive impact!

Looking for a video to share, I realised that this track was released in the period of my life when I didn’t have a tv, so I’d never seen the official music video.  However, YouTube wasn’t letting me share that one, so this is the best alternative – recorded live at the Euro 96 Extravaganza.  What can say except – I WAS THERE!



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