[BM Weekly] Spring is in sight…

If I’m really honest, I hadn’t been feeling very inspired this week.  Then, at the weekend the sun came out, the temperature rose and it became clear that Spring is in sight.

This photograph is of a pot of daffodils that almost got forgotten about.  No, it would be more accurate to say that I was reminded of them by accident.

I’d gone into my garage to put away an archive box following the annual clear out at the company’s year end.  As I turned around to leave the garage, I noticed this pot – with small shoots showing.

I brought it out into the daylight and two weeks later I’ve been rewarded with this beautiful display of dwarf daffodils.


Why is this inspiring?  Apart from the loveliness of the flowers, that is…

It’s inspiring because I have no recollection of planting the bulbs.  The pot was in the garage along with a lot of empty ones.

It just goes to show that you never know when something you did in the past is going to result in something good today – even if you can’t remember doing it!

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