Sometimes we have ideas and beliefs stuck in our mind that hold us back from doing things we’d like to in our lives. These sorts of beliefs come in all...
Blog Category: Blog
[Article] Motivation re-visited
Every business leader wants their people to be motivated. Preferably to do what the leader wants them to do! There have been a lot of wise words written – and backed up by research – about what motivates people. In NLP we’re also interested in how people are motivated. That is, we look at the thought processes that create motivation. You may be familiar with the idea of Towards and Away From motivation...
[Video] Teamwork
What do we mean by ‘working as a team’? If you were to ask everybody in your team, you’d get a slightly different answer because everybody has their own view...
[Article] What Makes a Great Question?
Part of the art of being a great listener is also being able to ask great questions. After all, it’s easier to listen attentively if the speaker is telling you what you want to know! I could put questions in 3 categories: the information question, the opinion question and the coaching question...
[Video] Should you say what you really think?
A lot of people are very keen on the notion of authentic leadership, and so if you’re going to be authentic, surely that means you should say what you think…...
[Video] The Power of Opposites
Sometimes when you’re faced with situations where there’s something that feels uncomfortable or that’s going against the grain, it’s worth stopping and thinking about what you can learn from it....
[Video] Walking the Talk, Building a Website
When it came to re-designing our Brilliant Minds website, I could have done what I’d done in the past. This time, I decided to take a different approach…
[Article] Body language is important, isn’t it?
If you’ve done any training in communications, public speaking or presentations there’s a good chance that body language has been part of the programme. For many years, like hundreds, if not thousands, of other trainers I’ve dutifully passed on the wisdom that our communication has three components – words, tone of voice and body language...
[Video] Managing Interruptions
“Have you got a minute?” “Could you just…” “Would you mind if…” How do you deal with it when somebody interrupts you in the middle of doing something else? It’s...
[Article] Is there any difference between personal and professional development?
Having come to the end of a 20-day NLP Practitioner training recently I’ve been reflecting on the development of the individuals as they worked through the five-month journey. It’s a...
[Video] How to receive an apology
What do you do when someone apologises to you? Do you find it hard to know what to say or how to let go of your grudge? Let’s explore the...
[Article] Am I bothered?
‘Am I bothered?’ asked another, much more famous, redhead. The implication being that she’s not and it’s a good thing. Being bothered is uncool. In that context, being bothered means...