When you hear the word routine do you feel your heart sink a bit? Lots of people hate routine. They think it’s boring, dull and do whatever they can to...
Blog Category: Blog
[Article] What is a Phobia and how can you deal with it?
When a person reacts with extreme and debilitating fear to a harmless experience or entity, we say they have a phobia. Common phobias include fear of spiders, heights, lifts, snakes,...
[Video] Influencing Upwards
When we did a survey of subscribers to our mailng list and asked people about some of the challenges they face at work, one of the things that lots of...
[Video] What do we mean by Linguistic Skills?
When we talk about NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming – most people are quite happy that they understand that the “Neuro” bit means it’s to do with the brain and...
[Article] Football, seen through an untrained eye
I have never been interested in Football. In the first 50 years of my life I watched – maybe -three or four games with my Dad – one of them...
[Video] Reframing
Reframing is a word that gets used in lots of different circumstances. In the NLP sense, what reframing is all about is creating a different perception of a situation, or...
[Article] Try to see it my way
“Try to see it my way”: a line from an old Beatles song. I’m not keen on the use of ‘try’ but I like the sentiment. In a world where...
Latest publication…
Maria Musgrove Wethey and Dianne Lowther wrote this one for Bridal Buyer magazine: https://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&edid=b9aed526-80b2-4e24-8116-93a31bdb454f&pnum=76
What has NLP ever done for me?
Since I’ve been promoting the NLP Practitioner training, I’ve been talking about NLP a lot more to clients and friends. One friend asked me, ‘So what has NLP done for...
Why is okay to use the LAB Profile in recruitment when it’s definitely not okay to use MBTI?
Many years ago when I did the training to become a licensed user of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) it was impressed on me that the instrument is not to...
Men, women and leadership success
In the 1950’s in the UK when my parents married, for a while they both worked for the same company – ICI. My Mum had left school with the equivalent...
Stress and Sensory Preferences
Stress is a highly personal thing. The situation that has your heart racing and your mind in overwhelm doesn’t produce the same effect on everyone. Other people’s stresses and difficulties...