Business partnering is a phrase you'll hear spoken about in lots of different organisations and, as far as I'm aware, it started out mostly with Human Resources. Recently what we've...
Blog Category: Uncategorized
[Video] Influence and Manipulation
One of the questions I often get asked about NLP is when people say to me: "Isn't NLP manipulative?" Which is a good question and quite an interesting area. So...
Getting out of overwhelm
Have you ever started the day with a list of ‘stuff’ to do and lots of good intentions? It’s a regular feature of my week. How often do you actually...
Whether the weather be fine
It’s often been said that British people are obsessed with the weather. It’s true that we do talk about the weather a lot, and it’s usually the easiest way to make...
[Video] EQ or IQ?
Somewhere in the middle of the 1990s when Daniel Goleman first published his book 'Emotional Intelligence' a lot of people began to realise that there is a lot more to...
What makes the perfect job?
It’s hard to say on which side lies the greatest leap of faith – with the person who takes on a new role – or with the employer who offers...
[Video] Work Life Balance
One of the things that often comes up in conversation as soon as we start talking about goal setting, or time management, or just getting anything done, is the idea...
To Dream or Not to Dream?
Several people I know are in the process of moving house. They’re all at different stages but two have actually sold their current home. The others are still waiting for...
[Video] What happens after you’ve attended a training programme?
Lots of people enjoy going on courses and discovering new things and understanding more about themselves, experimenting with different ways of doing things, and very often will come away feeling...
Start with Why
I’m reading a great book. It’s ‘Start with Why’ by Simon Sinek. The sub-title is ‘How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action’. Sinek’s core premise is that people are...
What is commitment?
To succeed in anything meaningful takes commitment. It’s only when you tackle something difficult that you discover what it means to be so committed that you will do whatever it takes...
Communication at Work
Communication is probably one of the most important parts of most people's work. It's also one of the hardest things to get right in a big organisation. When I go...