Attention: Business Leaders, Directors, Senior Managers, Professional Specialists and Business Owners
Executive NLP Practitioner Training
Module One
Success Starts Here
- Confidence in reading other people’s reactions and shifts in mood
- Clarity of purpose and increased focus where it matters
- Skills to increase rapport and influence in any situation
- More productive working relationships
- Different ways of looking at familiar situations to get better results
Why join us for Module One?
In this programme you discover how each individual’s perceptions, skills and history combine to create their unique ways of thinking, communicating and acting. You learn how to tweak your own habits to make them more effective and how to completely replace frustrating, old patterns with new, more useful routines and strategies. You get the keys to understanding what makes other people tick – not in general, but specifically, each person you work with and every member of your social circles.
Everyone thinks they’re a reasonably good communicator. This programme takes you into the super league. You learn how to predict the impact of specific words and phrases and how to craft your message to capture your audience’s attention and to get them thinking in particular ways. You avoid the common pitfalls of business communication and do not suffer from people reading their email during your presentations.
Digging a little deeper, you find out the exact process for uncovering the essence of specialist skills. You can take the best performer in your team and find out what makes them the best performer. Even better, you can teach it to everyone else!
NLP is a set of practical skills that give you greater control of your mindset, better understanding of other people, more influence and impact, different approaches to everyday challenges and lots of ways to reduce the stress and hassle in your life.
As with any set of practical skills, such as learning to play a new sport or mastering a musical instrument, learning NLP takes time and lots of practice. Our Executive NLP Practitioner programme spans 20 days of group workshops.
At Brilliant Minds, we understand the significance of the commitment that requires. Not just your time, but also your focus, energy and of course, the financial commitment.
We take our side of the bargain seriously and commit to providing the highest quality learning opportunity with lots of practice, individual coaching and feedback and – at the end – a qualification that means you really have achieved a level of skill that puts you ahead of the crowd.
We realise that not everyone is ready to sign up for the full programme straight away, so now you can join us for Module One with no obligation to take it any further. (We think you’ll want to do the whole programme once you’ve done the first three days – but that’s for you to decide)
If this appeals to you…
Join us for Module One and find out first-hand why 81% of people in corporate jobs who have taken our Executive NLP Practitioner training have achieved a promotion within a year of finishing their training. That’s right…
81% of people in corporate jobs who have taken our Executive NLP Practitioner training have achieved a promotion within a year of finishing their training.
What you learn
- The official definitions of NLP – and some everyday ways of explaining it your friends and colleagues
- The Brilliant Minds NLP Language and Communication model
- The ‘Well-formed Outcomes’ pattern and how it habituates your mind for success
- How to read other people in everyday situations
- The ‘Presuppositions of NLP’ – ways to look at everyday situations that create more choice and more possibilities
- How to use the Presuppositions of NLP to solve problems
- How to quickly increase your rapport and influence with anyone at any time
- The real meaning of ‘seeing the other person’s point of view’ and how to do it effectively
- A simple but powerful process for improving personal and professional relationships
Some of the ‘everyday’ applications of NLP you get in the three days
- How to get people to do what you want them to do. And the secret of getting them to WANT to do it! This includes your boss and other senior stakeholders.
- Why ‘How should I deal with difficult people?’ is the WRONG question, and what you should be asking (and doing) instead. You’ll take all the stress out of working relationships when you know and apply this in the right way.
- How to read other people accurately. You’ll be able to tell when they’re receptive to your ideas and when to come back another day. Imagine how much time you’ll save when all of your suggestions are accepted first time.
- How to influence anyone. You’ll practice so that you can do it without thinking about it and you’re free to concentrate on reading their reactions.
- The NUMBER ONE MISTAKE that 99% of business leaders make in their everyday communication (that in many cases kills the message before it even gets started). And a simple process you can use instead which will ensure you NEVER make this fatal error again.
- 2 proven ways to establish an air of authority and stand out from the crowd that you can use immediately. People will shut up and listen when you speak!
8 reasons to join us
- To begin learning NLP to Practitioner standard. This programme is not a superficial introduction; it’s the first stage of gaining the Practitioner qualification and offers the opportunity to learn a few elements of NLP in-depth.
- To have fun learning something new with like-minded people
- To share three days with your team or colleagues in an environment where you’ll gain new insights and practical tools you can use every day
- To experience our approach to NLP training before committing yourself to the full Executive NLP Practitioner training
- To focus on a specific priority – especially if it relates to communication and relationships
- If you’ve read – or attempted to read – a book or books on NLP, to bring NLP to life and deepen your understanding. (Frankly, NLP isn’t easy to learn from a book. It’s much easier in real life!)
- To review previous learning and apply it to new circumstances
- To discover more about yourself and how you can influence, impact and succeed!
How NLP meets your business needs
Refines your self-management skills
As organisation structures get flatter and more ‘matrixed’, managers have more people to deal with and hence less time for each one. Common working practices mean that many people work from home or as part of a virtual team. The amount of time spent face-to-face with collegues and the amount of input from managers reduces more and more. To perform effectively every person must be self-managing to some extent.
NLP techniques and principles can support activities such as goal-setting, self-motivation, overcoming nervousness before an important event, conquering mental blocks, improving decision-making techniques and managing self-development. I can even show you how to get past your dislike of conference calls, your fear of flying or the effects of your colleagues’ irritating habits!
Makes your communication count
Communication is probably the biggest challenge in any organisation, and the larger it is, the more of a challenge communications become. In the face of increasingly complex company structures, reliance on technology and the amount of time people spend working from home, effective communication is getting harder, and yet is also more important than ever. The pressure is on – to make face-to-face time count and get results from every interaction.
NLP can be applied to work out effective communication strategies for different individuals and groups. By using NLP models and questioning systems we can find out a lot about how others construct their perception of the world and how best to structure communications to achieve the desired goal. I promise you’ll never be lost for words again and when you need to phrase something carefully, you’ll have a framework to achieve the desired effect.
Accelerates your learning and development
The pace of life and business is relentless. In the race for market share, most companies have to be highly flexible and adaptable in order to succeed. This means that the workforce must be highly flexible and adaptable too. They need to be able to rise above the pressure and chaos to learn new skills efficiently, manage change enthusiastically and constantly seek out new sources of competitive advantage.
Much of NLP was developed through techniques of modelling, which involves exploring the internal and external processes associated with excellent performance and teaching them to others.
Modelling can be used effectively by organisations to replicate the excellence of certain individuals. For example, wouldn’t it be useful to know the real skills difference between your company’s top salesperson and the rest? Similarly, for individuals, NLP can help you to develop a reliable strategy for your own learning and how to model skills from colleagues, specialists or even public figures.
Any other training you undertake after learning NLP will be so much easier. You’ll know how to use the new material for yourself and you’ll have quick ways of adopting new approaches.
Resolves your past negative experiences
There are an increasing number of people who have experienced redundancy, a takeover, relocation, a merger or some kind of violence or harassment at work. Even the best organisations do not always succeed in helping people come through these experiences with a positive attitude. At worst, a whole organisation may end up demoralised and unproductive through a badly managed merger or change programme. Reluctant though you or I may be to admit it, many of us carry these bad experiences with us through life – hindering us from achieving our full potential.
NLP offers some of the best and quickest techniques for acknowledging the personal significance of these experiences and shaking off the resulting mistrust of employers, anger and distress, low morale, lack of motivation and loss of self-worth. Having moved through the negative effects of the events, you are then free to consider the value of what you have learned and to apply it constructively in the future.
Overall, NLP offers a structured, systematic approach and reliable, effective techniques for dealing with the most challenging aspects of managing people – and ‘people’ includes you!!!!
How will you benefit?
- Confidence in reading other people’s reactions and shifts in mood
- Clarity of purpose and increased focus where it matters
- Skills to increase rapport and influence in any situation
- More productive working relationships
- Different ways of looking at familiar situations to get better results
The venue

Module One is like a Retreat. We hold it at the lovely Woodland Grange conference centre and hotel set in 16 acres of beautiful gardens just outside Leamington Spa. It’s easily accessible by both road and rail but once you enter the gardens, you’ll get the sense of stepping into another world. A world where time goes at a gentler pace and you experience the mental space that’s often missing in your busy workday. You emerge, not only invigorated by all you have learned and enthused by the people you’ve met, but also refreshed by the change of pace, the beautiful surroundings and the fresh air.
Dates for your diary
17-19 September 2025
£750 + VAT
Click the button below to reserve your place. Payment will be taken via Eventbrite.
If, on completion of Module One, you decide to join us for further modules of the Executive NLP Practitioner programme, or for the whole programme, you can book further days with no financial disadvantage compared to booking the whole programme at once.