[Audio] Always a Woman – episode 1

I’m excited and apprehensive in equal measure…

My friend, Wilma Allen and I have talked for a while about doing a podcast together.  A few weeks ago we decided that we would start it now, on the understanding that it might not be very good to begin with, but that we would learn and get better.  By the time we have a huge following, we will be brilliant!  Well, that’s the plan.

We recorded the first episode at Wilma’s beautiful cottage in Wales, which you can see in the photo above.

You can listen to the first episode of ‘Always a Woman’ now.  The podcast is about navigating life and leadership – and beyond -from a female perspective.

What does that mean?  Have a listen to find out…



You might love it, you might not.  If you hate it, then you’re possibly not our target audience.

If you have feedback about how we can improve it, what topics you’d like to hear discussed or if you have suggestions for guests, please let me know.


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